力学系学术报告【2.29邱明峰】:Self-organized cable formation and force transmission in a vertex model for epithelial tissues









Self-organized cable formation and force transmission in a vertex model for epithelial tissues





主持人:谢金翰 助理教授


We study the mechanics of epithelial tissues, a fundamental type of cellular tissues of animals. Traditionally it is believed that genes and biochemistry instruct mechanical events. Recently, it is becoming clear that mechanics also feeds back onto and drives gene expression and biochemical signalling, but how mechanical feedback affects tissue behaviour remains poorly understood. One commonly used modelling approach, namely the vertex model, describes an epithelial monolayer as a network of active edges representing cell-cell boundaries. These edges actively produce and sustain tension, which is thus transmitted throughout the tissue. Inspired by experimental observations, we propose a dynamical vertex model combining passive edge viscoelasticity and active molecular motor recruitment. The model incorporates a known feedback loop in which edge tension regulates motor activities. Studying the emergent response of this type of tissue to external forces using both theory and computations, we show that in the presence of feedback, a tissue can become patterned with supracellular cables consisting of chains of strongly contracting edges. Our theory provides a potential explanation for the formation and refinement of these cables, which are ubiquitous in the development of organisms. From a physical point of view, the spontaneous contractile paths offer mechanisms for long-range force transmission, highlighting novel self-organized mechanical states in living matter.



